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Posts by David

China and India Parity with the West

First the punchline. China and India will achieve economic parity (i.e., average income per person) with the US in 2048 (i.e., around 40 years).  Hans Rosling (someone who knows how to use Powerpoint the right way) delivers a great talk on how he arrives at that number and a insightful look at the [...]

Middle class struggle

Elizabeth Warren suggests that the American middle class is in decline.  Over the last 40 years the only real income gain for families has come through women entering the workforce (i.e., two income families).  As you would expect childcare costs have mushroomed during that time.  But also home and [...]

Home Buyer Tax Credit Expanded and Extended

In addition to extending the existing $8,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers, the bill creates a $6,500 credit for those who buy a home after living in their current house at least five years (of the last 8 years). That measure would apply to contracts signed by April 30 (and after Jan 1) and [...]

Market Capitalization as % of GDP

It has been a while since I posted a valuation chart.  Here is one that goes from 1924 to the present.

Consumer Reports on Cash for Gold

Consumer Reports researched the online cash for gold services. They discovered (not a big surprise) that the online services offered some of the lowest rates. You are much better off going to local jewelery stores or pawn shops.  Here is their advice: Call several jewelry stores, coin stores, and [...]

2009 College Costs

With the CPI needle barely moving over the last year, the Washington Post reports that college tuitions continue their relentless march upwards growing 3% or more faster than inflation. The published prices at private four-year colleges in the U.S. rose by an average of 4.4 percent. Tuition [...]

Science of Motivation

Dan Pink gives an excellent TED talk about what does and doesn’t work with respect to motivating people to higher performance.  It turns out that while traditional incentives (e.g., money) improve people’s performance on mundane well understood tasks, traditional incentives actually reduce [...]

Avoiding Loan Modification Fraud

From California’s Office of the Attorney General we get the following tips to avoid being scammed. DON’T pay up-front fees. Foreclosure consultants are prohibited by law from collecting money before services are performed. DON’T ignore letters from your lender or loan servicer. Responding to those [...]

July Real Estate in Graphs

Inventories are still high. Low priced homes went higher in the bubble and have been crashing down faster.  The following is the Case-Shiller break down for L.A.  Lower priced homes are expected to hit their price bottoms sooner than the more expensive homes.  While low priced homes have around 9 [...]

State Outlooks

While much of the economic attention has been at the federal level, the states are not all suffering equally.  California has been grabbing the healines, but it is not the only state suffering. This graph shows the current unemployment by state (red segments) and the high and low unemployment [...]
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