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Posts by David

State Financial Health

A study cam out analyzing the funding status of each state’s pension funds.  It is not pretty.  And these are funding levels using assumptions like 8% or 8.5% portfolio returns.  If the returns are lower, the funding shortfall will be worse. NPR has a nice graphic of the data you can play [...]


Daniel Kahneman gives a great TED talk helping people understand there is a difference between “in the moment” happiness and the happiness of your memory of the moment and you cannot optimize them both.  He goes on to say that people more often try to optimize their memory happiness (would you go [...]

Unemployment 3/5/10

Since the latest unemployment number of 9.7% came out today, I thought I would send some of CalculatedRisk‘s wonderful graphs to help put it in context. In terms of percentage of lost jobs compared to previous recessions we have the following updated graph. Besides the clear trend of more and more [...]

Housing – Negative Equity

Hhere is a graph that shows the percentage of mortgages that have negative ranked by state.  The number in the bubble states are truly staggering. And this next graph gives an idea of what percentage are deeply underwater (i.e., > 25% under water) in the bubble states. With unemployment likely to [...]

Checking Accounts

Late last year the bank I had my personal checking account with was taken over by the FDIC and sold to another bank.  FYI, the transition from a customer perspective was seamless.  The new bank is now changing the terms of the account prompting me to shop around again. I thought I would share some [...]

Taxes in perspective

With our burgeoning deficit, we will certainly see a number of tax changes over the next decade.  I offer the following graphs and articles to provide some perspective on the matter. I found this fascinating.  While the percentage of tax revenue from income taxes has stayed relatively constant [...]

Financial Education Doesn’t Work (cont)

I come back to this theme because it goes so strongly against what I wish to be true. Research continues to dribble in that financial education does not help people make better financial decisions. Lauren Willis in Against Financial Literacy Education puts it this way: “The gulf between the [...]

State of Economy — 2/1/2010

4th quarter GDP came in at 5.7%.  To see why people are not excited about this number check out the following graph. If you look closely, you will see that imports and exports mostly balance each other and resdential and nonresidential investment are still lacking.  This leaves inventory changes [...]

Growth in a Time of Debt

An interesting paper (pdf) on the relationship between a country’s debt load and future gdp growth.  Here is the abstract. We study economic growth and inflation at different levels of government and external debt. Our analysis is based on new data on forty-four countries spanning about two hundred [...]

2010 Estate Planning Mess

2010 has begun and we have entered the twilight zone of estate taxes. What will congress do now? Nothing — I originally wouldn’t have given this one much chance, but now I see this as a distinct possibilty Reinstitute 2009 exemptions retroactively (may be unconstitutional) Reinstitute 2009 [...]
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