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Posts by David
Bet on Experiential vs. Material Purchases
16 years ago
in Psychology
Positive experiences (e.g., going out to dinner) provides greater happiness than material purchases (e.g., clothing). If we compare a negative experience with a negative material purchase, the results are more mixed on which will have the more deliterious effect on your happiness.
Researchers [...]
Brain Rules – Attention
16 years ago
in Psychology
Here are two additional insights from John Medina‘s excellent book “Brain Rules“.
Our attention is given out in 10 minute increments. When giving a presentation you must hook your audience in the first minute. That means conveying why they should care and a broad outline (or gist) of what you plan [...]
Who Qualifies for Homeowner Stability Plan
16 years ago
President Obama has released the Homeowner affordability and stability plan. Here is a quick guide on who it helps and how.
If you have a loan that is owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and your mortgage is for more than 80% and less than 105% of the current home value, you will be [...]
Turning 70 1/2 in 2009 RMD Clarification
16 years ago
in IRA
The Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 has waived required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement plans for 2009. So what does this mean if you are turning 70 1/2 in 2009?
Normally, turning 70 1/2 in 2009 would mean you must take your first RMD by April 1, 2010. However, [...]
Brain Rules – Exercise
16 years ago
in Health
I’m currently reading John Medina‘s excellent book “Brain Rules” and I thought I would share some of the golden nuggets I’ve found over a series of posts.
Aerobic exercise is tremendously beneficial to brain function. Specifically it improves the ability to control oneself (e.g., be politically [...]
2/9 Economic News in Graphs
16 years ago
People were supplementing their disposible income to the tune of 5% to 9% during the housing bubble. This means $400 billion to $800 billion of annual spending that occurred from 2002 – 2007 has now been withdrawn from the economy.
Job losses haven’t gotten as bad as the early eighties yet, but [...]
FICO’08 – Credit Score Changes
16 years ago
in Commentary
A new system for determining your credit-worthiness, FICO ’08, rolls out today. From The Consumerist we have the following 6 changes to credit score calculations.
Spouses and children can improve their credit score by being an authorized user on a credit card account, but that’s it. No more [...]
Too much risk in your portfolio?
16 years ago
in Investing
The following graph comes from a recent morningstar article that reiterates how markets don’t follow normal distributions but instead follow a log-stable style distribution (i.e., distribution with fat tails). What I like about this graph is that it highlights the fact that even over very long [...]
What can be easily discovered about you
16 years ago
While “Googling” people’s names has been a common occurrence for some time now, new services are appearing to make the process of digging out information on people even easier. Pipl is an example of how far this technology has come. Give it a try to see what people can easily discover about [...]
2/24/09 Housing Update