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Posts by David
Consumer Reports – Extended Warranties a Bad Deal
18 years ago
in Insurance
Considering this is the season for going out and buying gadgets, Consumer Reports is renewing their effort to get the word out on why buying extended warranties are often a bad deal. This is especially true for electronic gadgets which will likely be obsolete in a year or two.
Personal Finance Magazines Influenced by Advertisers
18 years ago
in Investing
The independence of editorial content from advertisers’ influence is a cornerstone of journalistic ethics. Jonathan Reuter and Eric Zitzewitz tested whether this independence is observed in practice. They found that mutual fund recommendations are correlated with past advertising in three personal [...]
Leimberg Information Services
18 years ago
in Software
For those who want to be notified of the latest regulations and the latest thinking in estate planning and asset protection Leimberg has a great “for pay” information service reasonably priced at $24.95/mo.
The main subject areas covered are
Asset Protection
Estate Planning
Charitable [...]
Corporate Bonds Most Overpriced Asset
18 years ago
in Investing
Deviating slightly from his drumbeat that people should expect lower returns going forward, Bill Gross looks at whether there are any asset classes that look like they have no upside potential left. He ends up focusing on corporate bonds and decides that their spreads are within a few basis points [...]
The Ugliest Word
18 years ago
in Retirement
A short piece on how dysfunctional our focus on “retirement” can be. While a new word would be great, in the mean time I’m recommending that we redefine retirement to be “the point in time where earned income is not the driving factor for personal decision making.”
Dick Wagner made a related plea [...]
Fannie Mae Conforming Loan Limits for 2007
18 years ago
Single-Family Mortgage Loan Limits effective January 1, 2007:
First mortgages
One-family loans: $417,000
Two-family loans: $533,850
Three-family loans: $645,300
Four-family loans: $801,950
Note: One- to four- family mortgages in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are 50 percent [...]
Splitting Stock Options In A Divorce
18 years ago
Forbes has a great article describing the potential complexities caused by trying to fairly divide non-vested stock options in a divorce. If you are in this situation, seek help from a specialist.
Scan, copy and fax with your camera phone or digital camera
18 years ago
in Software
If you have the ability to take pictures and email them with your mobile phone this free service from scanR can turn your phone into a poor man’s scanner. Having used it a few times, the OCR (optical character recognition) wont work very well unless you have a 2 megapixel camera in your phone [...]
Reverse Mortgage Loan Calculator
18 years ago
in Software
To get a quick estimate on how much money or income a reverse mortgage might be able to make available, here are some resources.
And here is more information and AARPs own reverse mortgage calculator.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Rethinking Your Investment Risk
18 years ago
in Investing
Economist Kotlikoff (progenitor of planning software ESPlanner) advocates that living standard risk must be taken into account when determining appropriate portfolio risk (which I happen to agree with :-).
Those whose Social Security and other pensions provide the majority of their living expenses, [...]