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Posts by David
What’s on sale when
17 years ago
If you have the patience to wait, Consumer Reports has compiled a calendar of when different items come on sale.
Some other tips that don’t fit neatly into the calendar:
Airline tickets tend to be least expensive on Wednesday mornings because that’s when airlines try to fill unsold seats on [...]
Hedge Fund Warning
17 years ago
in Investing
Whenever someone asks me about hedge funds, I explain the following. Hedge funds use strategies that provide above market returns most of the time but occasionally blow up. If you factor in the blow-up and the incredible fees they charge the long term expected return is generally poorer than what [...]
Tapping your IRA before 59 1/2
17 years ago
in Retirement, Tax
Natalie gives a great primer on 72(t) payments. The one piece she didn’t cover was the ability for a person using the amortization or annuity method to step down their withdrawals to the RMD method (although you can’t go back once you make the change).
Advice to Avoid
17 years ago
in Investing
Clements warns against some common financial advice targeted at young people that may not be in their best interest.
Create a 6 month emergency fund.
Buy the biggest house possible.
Buy cash value life insurance.
Invest in all or almost all equities.
On the positive side he does [...]
Brain Exercises
17 years ago
in Health, Psychology
From the ririanproject (a fitness blog) we get the following brain fitness tips.
Move aerobically
Change your routine
Read a book
Caffeine for short term boost
Engage in debate
Play video games
Subscribe to a daily newsletter
Eat curry
Play pool
Learn an instrament
Eat raisins
Play [...]
If It Sounds Too Good to be True …
17 years ago
in Investing
Humberto Cruz reports on people’s lack of investing basics (pdf) which allows them to be easily talked into investing in poor deals.
43 percent of American investors in a recent survey said they would likely put their money in at least one of these three “opportunities.”
a new fuel-cell technology [...]
Which College Savings to Tap First
17 years ago
in Education
You haved saved for college using 529 plans and other accounts. You have heard about the Lifetime learning credit and the Hope credit. Kimberly Lankford lays out which accounts to use first to maximize your tax benefits.
Health Insurance for Early Retirees
Kimberly Lankford reviews resources for early retirees to get health insurance.
National Association of State Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans
Georgetown University Health Policy Institute consumer guides
Fooling Ourselves
17 years ago
in Psychology
Wade Meredith reminds us of all the ways we distort our own view of reality in his “26 Reasons What you Think is Right is Wrong“.
Kiddie Tax Age Limit Raised
Effective Jan 1, 2008 the kiddie tax will apply to children age 18 and younger as well as college students under the age of 24.
Troy Onink of Forbes provides some strategies to deal with the new law.