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Posts by David
Improve memory by eating less
16 years ago
in Health
New research shows that a 30% calorie reduction in overweight (but not obese) individuals over three months improved their memory by an amount equal to the difference between memory of those over 50 and memory of those under 30. Read the article to lean about the obvious caveats to this research.
High Yield Savings and Checking
16 years ago
in Investing
Many of the high yield savings accounts (e.g., Ing Direct, Emigrant Direct, and others you can find at bankrate.com) have lowered their yields to around 2.4%. Interestingly, Emigrant Bank has created a new entity called Dollar Savings Direct that currently offers 3.5%. As far as I can tell it is [...]
Getting Past Procrastination
16 years ago
in Psychology
New psychological study shows that abstract thinking feeds procrastination while concrete thinking helps get things done.
You know that exercise routine you’ve been talking about starting up in January? Well, forget about how virtuous it is, or how healthy, or how it might boost your confidence. [...]
Some Tax Changes for 2009
16 years ago
in Tax
Required minimum distributions for IRA owners, plan participants and beneficiaries are waived for 2009. While this might have been a little more helpful in 2008 with the large decline in balances this does add some flexibility in 2009.
Increased flexibility for investing in 529 plans. Under the [...]
DJ-AIG Commodities Index new Weightings
16 years ago
in Investing
Here is the new breakdown for the DJ-AIG commodities index. By January 15th, the index will have the following weights (2008 weights in parentheses).
Natural Gas: 11.89% (12.24%)
Crude Oil: 13.75% (13.16%)
Gasoline: 3.71% (3.78%)
Heating Oil: 3.65% (3.82%)
Live Cattle: 4.29% (4.89%)
Lean Hogs: [...]
Beware! Contango and Commodity Investing
16 years ago
in Investing
In my role as risk manager for my clients I try to envision what macro economic changes could happen and determine whether my portfolios are situated to weather that change. I was looking at various hyper inflation scenarios (for when the economy gains traction again) and reexamined whether [...]
Suze Orman’s Free Book
16 years ago
Until January 15th you can pick up Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan book for free. While I certainly don’t agree with everything she advocates, there is a lot of good advice in the book.
Secret to Ageing Gracefully
16 years ago
in Psychology
A foresight report provides the following (somewhat commensense) tips on how to stay alert, prevent senility and have a fulfilling life.
Be Active
Be Curious
Avoid significant debt
Additional Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2008/oct/23/healthandwellbeing
Updated Case Shiller Housing Price Chart
16 years ago
in Commentary
Versions of this chart have been floating around for a while. This one is updated with the latest numbers. As you can see, there is still plenty of room for housing prices to fall further. Future market are predicting around another 15% decline before bottoming out in 16 months or so. If [...]
Market Cap vs. GDP