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Posts by David

Fundamental Index Funds at Schwab

While Vanguard is generally my preferred vendor for people to use when managing investments on their own, Schwab‘s latest offering is a real plus for those who want to be on the Schwab platform. Fundamental indexes use a combination of company attributes (e.g., sales, cash flow, dividends, book [...]

Floating Checks No More

Companies with sufficient volume can now submit a check for payment to the bank without having to physically transport the check to the bank.  The means the float will virtually dissappear for purchases from major retailers. See  Chuck Jaffe’s coverage for more details.

Tax Treatment of Long Term Care Insurance

Leimberg Information Services has written a great summary of the tax treatment of long-term care Insurance. For individuals, deductions flow through itemized medical expense deduction (subject to 7.5% floor) and if self-employed, through the self-employed health insurance deduction (subject to age [...]

Red Flag for Mortgage Underwriting

CalculatedRisk describes the evolution of the underwriting process for alt-a (just below prime) and subprime (junk status) mortgage loand.  It is a dense read, but to me clearly makes a case that it would be imprudent at this time to invest in mortgage backed securities that include alt-a or [...]

Coming Generational Storm available online

The Coming Generational Storm written by Laurence Kotlikoff and Scott Burns is now available online. It is one of the earlier works that really brought the issue of Social Security and Medicare funding over the next 50 years to the fore.  The punchline is that at some point either benefits must be [...]

Finding the Best Credit Card Deals

Here are four sites that will help you find the best credit card deals currently available. www.lowcards.com www.creditcardguide.com www.creditcards.com www.bankrate.com

Flat Tax Already a Reality

Scott Burns writes that while bumpy the U.S. tax system already approximates a flat tax.  Once you factor in all the different taxes (employment, income, sales, etc), the U.S. is remarkably close to a flat tax system whose marginal rate averages over 40%.

Taxation of Lump Sum Social Security Disability Payments

Eva Rosenberg of MarketWatch looks at how lump sum payments for Social Security Disability are taxed. Is Social Security Disability Income subject to taxation? – Yes, in the same way that retirement Social Security payments are taxed. Does a lump sum that includes payment for previous years need [...]

2007 Easy Reference Tax Guide

United Underwriters Incorporated has released a 2007 tax reference guide (warning pdf). It is a wonderful one stop shop for all the current limits on many tax related issues. Check it out!

Trading some future house appreciation for cash now

While the fees are quite high currently, this is an intriguing concept. Especially if the concept gains traction and some competition arrives in the market place to bring fees down. I suspect there are some situations, where this could make sense. The firm described is at www.rex-inc.com.
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