What can be easily discovered about you
16 years ago
While “Googling” people’s names has been a common occurrence for some time now, new services are appearing to make the process of digging out information on people even easier. Pipl is an example of how far this technology has come. Give it a try to see what people can easily discover about [...]
Suze Orman’s Free Book
16 years ago
Until January 15th you can pick up Suze Orman’s 2009 Action Plan book for free. While I certainly don’t agree with everything she advocates, there is a lot of good advice in the book.
Tips for Keeping Wedding Cost Under Control
16 years ago
The Simple Dollar provides the following 18 tips for reducing wedding costs.
Avoid guest list bloat.
Ask for wedding help instead of wedding gifts.
Have the ceremony at home, or outdoors.
Do the catering yourself, or hire a family-owned restaurant.
Go minimal with the flowers.
Choose very personal [...]
Free Credit Monitoring for 6 to 9 Months
16 years ago
Deadline: September 24th, 2008
If you had a credit card, loan or other credit account between Jan. 1, 1987, and May 28, 2008 you will likely qualify for a settlement from a recent class action lawsuit against TransUnion. Members of the class can elect 6 or 9 months of credit monitoring.
Sign up [...]
True Cost of Owning a Home
16 years ago
Cameron Huddleston gives a nice overview for first time home owners on all the expenses homeownership entails besides the monthly mortgage payment.
Property Taxes
Home Repair and Maintenance
Yard care
Pest control
Temporary Jumbo Conforming Limits
17 years ago
Until the end of the year Fannie Mae limits have been raised from $417K to custom levels by MSA. Hawaii still has the top limit of around $793K with a number of major metropolitan areas in the $729K arena.
Go to https://entp.hud.gov/idapp/html/hicostlook.cfm to look up an areas new [...]
Who Earns the Most
17 years ago
From a recent paper examing high income earners we get the following interesting statistic “..the top 25 hedge fund managers combined appear to have earned more than all 500 S&P 500 CEOs combined (both realized and estimated).”
What’s on sale when
17 years ago
If you have the patience to wait, Consumer Reports has compiled a calendar of when different items come on sale.
Some other tips that don’t fit neatly into the calendar:
Airline tickets tend to be least expensive on Wednesday mornings because that’s when airlines try to fill unsold seats on [...]
High Yield Checking at Schwab
17 years ago
Charles Schwab has a new high yield checking account according for Fortune.
Rent Comparison Service
17 years ago
In the same way that Zillow and Trulia help you see real estate prices in an area, Rentometer helps you see rental prices in an area. Lauren Kim of the Wall Street Journal talks about the pros and cons of Rentometers approach.