Secret to Ageing Gracefully
16 years ago
in Psychology
A foresight report provides the following (somewhat commensense) tips on how to stay alert, prevent senility and have a fulfilling life.
Be Active
Be Curious
Avoid significant debt
Additional Source:
Online Life Coaching
16 years ago
in Psychology
People are increasingly making use of life coaches to help them align their lives with their values. Here are two sites that focus on helping people transition to their next stage in life.
What’s Next in Your Life
My Next Phase
Opinion First Justification Second
17 years ago
in Psychology
At the heart of these two studies (Choice Blindness, Secret Attitude Changes) is the fact that we seem to have opinions first and then our brains come up with the justification for those opinions with little historical awareness of how our opinions may have changed over time.
Pursuing a Balanced Life
17 years ago
in Psychology
Hubert’s Rampersad’s personal balanced scorecard helps keep your life in balance.
Internal: your physical health and mental state
External: relations with your spouse, children, friends, employer, colleagues, and others
Knowledge and learning: your skills and learning ability
Financial: fiscal [...]
Brain Exercises
17 years ago
in Health, Psychology
From the ririanproject (a fitness blog) we get the following brain fitness tips.
Move aerobically
Change your routine
Read a book
Caffeine for short term boost
Engage in debate
Play video games
Subscribe to a daily newsletter
Eat curry
Play pool
Learn an instrament
Eat raisins
Play [...]
Fooling Ourselves
17 years ago
in Psychology
Wade Meredith reminds us of all the ways we distort our own view of reality in his “26 Reasons What you Think is Right is Wrong“.
Most Successful Investors not Motivated by Money
17 years ago
in Investing, Psychology
William Bernstein writes about how the most successful investors are ones which are not focused on financial success.
Two nuggets from the piece.
Three things provide long-lasting satisfaction, as quantitatively measured by academic psychologists:
meaningful contact with others
the [...]
Is It Worth Being Wise
18 years ago
in Psychology
Paul Graham is a venture capitalist who runs an incubator program for technology start-ups. He often writes provocative and interesting essays. His latest essay is an exploration of the difference between wisdom, intelligence and their relation to ones happiness.
He writes “I think it’s important [...]
Jonathan Clements on Happiness Research
18 years ago
in Psychology
This is from December. The Wall Street Journal’s Jonathan Clements wrote about six academics in the field of “happiness research” who took some of their own advice and made changes for the better: Here are the highlights for those without a subscription.
Relish the day — When we get a raise or [...]
How to help adult kids stand on their own two financial feet
18 years ago
in Psychology
Here are some tips to parents who have adult children living with them.
Make sure they have health insurance
Charge them rent (you can always give it back to them in a gift after they move out).
If they are on their own, try to help them stay on their own.
And the conclusion
“How do you know that [...]