International Real Estate ETF Launched
18 years ago
in Investing
With an expense ratio of .6% the Boston-based State Street Corp listed the StreetTracks Dow Jones Wilshire International Real Estate ETF (RWX) on the American Stock Exchange.
Personal Finance Magazines Influenced by Advertisers
18 years ago
in Investing
The independence of editorial content from advertisers’ influence is a cornerstone of journalistic ethics. Jonathan Reuter and Eric Zitzewitz tested whether this independence is observed in practice. They found that mutual fund recommendations are correlated with past advertising in three personal [...]
Corporate Bonds Most Overpriced Asset
18 years ago
in Investing
Deviating slightly from his drumbeat that people should expect lower returns going forward, Bill Gross looks at whether there are any asset classes that look like they have no upside potential left. He ends up focusing on corporate bonds and decides that their spreads are within a few basis points [...]
Rethinking Your Investment Risk
18 years ago
in Investing
Economist Kotlikoff (progenitor of planning software ESPlanner) advocates that living standard risk must be taken into account when determining appropriate portfolio risk (which I happen to agree with :-).
Those whose Social Security and other pensions provide the majority of their living expenses, [...]
Peak Oil – Pro and Con
18 years ago
in Investing
The peak oil folks have gotten fairly shrill the last year or two. And the oil industry has started their own campaign to counter some of the assertions being made. For those of you who don’t follow this debate, peak oil refers to the the point in time when the world production of oil (i.e., [...]
18 years ago
in Investing
A marketing blitz on new mortgage accelerator programs has been hitting us in Hawaii lately. After having a handful of people, who should have known better, asked me to take a look at the program before they signed up, I realized I needed to get the word out about their misleading marketing [...]
November 2006 Savings Bond Rates
18 years ago
in Investing
The new fixed rate for I-Bonds is 1.4%. Since the EE bonds went to fixed rates (3.6% currently) and since the real rates on I-bonds have fallen substantially below those on TIPs (which are over 2.5% for the 5 year TIPs), the attractiveness of these tools is much reduced. Which is too bad. They [...]
Dead Funds Suck Life from Investors’ Returns
18 years ago
in Investing
Paul Farrell reminds us about the effects of survivorship bias
“Out of 2,071 equity funds, over one-third (725) were killed off between 1962 and 1995. Dig the vampires out of the graves and the average category returns sink 1.3% below their indexes.”
Inflation Boogeyman
18 years ago
in Investing
Happy Halloween!
Today I have a collection of items concerning inflation (one of the boogeymen for retirees).
This article examines CPI across the world. It discusses the differences in the basket of goods used in different countries and how consumers in developing nations change their purchasing [...]
Commodities fever is spoiling returns
18 years ago
in Investing
A cautionary article in the Economist on investing in commodities. So much money has flowed into commodity investments recently that the dynamic that held in the past no longer exists and those who are counting on it to continue will likely be disappointed.
There have been numerous studies showing [...]