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Posts by David
Commodities fever is spoiling returns
18 years ago
in Investing
A cautionary article in the Economist on investing in commodities. So much money has flowed into commodity investments recently that the dynamic that held in the past no longer exists and those who are counting on it to continue will likely be disappointed.
There have been numerous studies showing [...]
The Dilbert Blog: Affirmations
18 years ago
in Psychology
To help everyone go into the weekend on an upbeat, I though I would share a short piece by Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) on the power of affirmations.
3.3 Percent Social Security Benefit Increase for 2007
18 years ago
Social security payments will go up 3.3% next year and the new taxable wage base is $97,500 (up from $94,200).
Deferring Taxes on Appreciated Property – Not Private Annuities
18 years ago
in Tax
The IRS is closing the ability to defer taxes on appreciated property using a private annuity exchange. This will close a chapter on a very powerful and popular technique in estate planning. Stay tuned to see what the smart lawyers come up with next to replace this technique.
Altruism – The Joy of Giving
18 years ago
in Psychology
From the Economist … “Providing for relatives comes more naturally than reaching out to strangers. Nevertheless, it may be worth being kind to people outside the family as the favour might be reciprocated in future. But when it comes to anonymous benevolence, directed to causes [...]
Medicare Part D plans updated for 2007
18 years ago
in Medicare
Medicare has updated their website to reflect 2007 options. Remember
open enrollment starts Nov 15th.
CEO Sarah Ball Teslik Leaves CFP Board
18 years ago
She throws down a proposal for new ethics rules that have everyone up in arms because they still lack the requirement for fiduciary care of clients and then leaves. I for one will not be sad to see her go. This opens up a glimmer of hope that the CFP Board might pick up the banner of representing [...]
Leaders of the Financial Planning Profession Slam CFP Board Proposal
18 years ago
A host of the leaders of the financial planning profession—past and present—have signed a letter addressed to the CFP Board of Standards expressing their opposition to the Board’s proposed changes to its Code of Ethics as “so potentially detrimental to the mark, the profession and the public [...]
401k Plan Fee Lawsuit Details Becoming Available
18 years ago
in Investing
I hope these kinds of lawsuits are the beginning of a trend. There are way too many 401K plans out there that are abusive to their participants in the fees they charge. I wish congress would enable in service rollovers to force plans to be more competitive (sigh..)
Operating Earnings Manipulation
18 years ago
in Investing
Ben Inker, the director of investment management at GMO, has written a great report on how companies have become very proficient at manipulating their operating earnings. You can read it at www.gmo.com in their research section (registration required).
The quick summary is if you are using PEs to [...]