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Posts by David
Spending Problem? Don’t Use Credit Cards
18 years ago
in Psychology
The Economist reports on research investigating how our brains make purchasing decisions and helps explain a different study which demonstrated people are willing to pay twice as much at an auction when using credit cards versus cash.
The short message is to reiterate that for those who have [...]
Inherited Qualified Plan not Required to Support Non Spouse Rollover
18 years ago
in Tax
Among other things the IRS has posted IRS Notice 2007-7 which provides guidance on non spousal rollovers of qualified accounts authorized by the Pension Protection Act (PPA). Here are some of the key points I get from the Q&A.
Sec 829 – Non Spouse Beneficiary transfer to inherited IRA
Plans are [...]
Free Microsoft Accounting Software
18 years ago
in Software
It is time for me to update my Quickbooks license and I thought I would give the new free version of Microsoft’s accounting package a quick spin.
Here are some initial impressions.
It only wants to import a single year of individual transactions from Quickbooks and will aggregate ones beyond [...]
Book Review: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
18 years ago
in Psychology
This book came out a while ago, but I finally got around to reading it. It was a very quick and easy read. It is mostly a bunch of anecdotes backed with a few studies here and there to make their points. Here are the key ideas I derived from the book.
Emotion and facial expressions are connected — [...]
Don’t Count on Working in Retirement
18 years ago
in Retirement
This article is mostly a rehash of how unprepared people are for retirement, but the following paragraph had an interesting statistic.
The first premise Ruffenach challenges is the belief that those who wish to will be able to work in retirement. Statistics suggest otherwise. While up to [...]
Wealth Strategies Journal
18 years ago
A new journal focused on estate planning, asset protection and other issues relavant to high net worth individuals.
Young and Uninsured: Bad Idea
18 years ago
in Insurance
Health is one of the most important assets a young person has. It has long been known that there is a correlation between health and wealth. When this was first examined it was postulated that this was because wealthier people had access to better health care. Further research has shown causation [...]
Christmas light show gone overboard
18 years ago
Happy Holidays everyone! Here is something that should bring a smile to your face.
If you didn’t catch this when it went around last year, you owe it yourself to enjoy this. This display was the work of Carson Williams, a Mason, Ohio, electrical engineer. His 2005 display included over 25,000 [...]
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) deduction
18 years ago
in Tax
PMI is now deductible if you itemize and have income less than $110K.
International Real Estate ETF Launched
18 years ago
in Investing
With an expense ratio of .6% the Boston-based State Street Corp listed the StreetTracks Dow Jones Wilshire International Real Estate ETF (RWX) on the American Stock Exchange.