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Posts by David

Is It Worth Being Wise

Paul Graham is a venture capitalist who runs an incubator program for technology start-ups. He often writes provocative and interesting essays. His latest essay is an exploration of the difference between wisdom, intelligence and their relation to ones happiness. He writes “I think it’s important [...]

Subprime Credit Crunch Could Trigger Collapse

Subprime mortgages are in trouble. Aaron Krowne espects to see a lot of lenders hurt by this and possible affects in the Alt-A and prime mortgage markets as well.

Rewriting History

A flare up occurred in December about the integrity of Thomson’s IBIS database of analyst recommendations. Some researchers got a feed covering analyst recommendations from 1993 to 2002 in 2002 and then got the same feed again in 2004 (i.e., covering the same 1993-2002 period). They discovered that [...]

Pricing real estate

Here are two great sites for getting quick estimates of real estate values. This can be very helpful before talking to a realtor or in helping to get a handle on estate size. Trulia also has started creating heat maps which allow you to see visually which geographic areas are hot (real estate [...]

Ed Easterling – Projecting Returns after 2006

This article on projecting the next decade’s returns by Ed Easterling of PE cycles fame, came out last November. While I often disagree with some of his solutions, he provides valuable insight into future returns. Highlights GDP growth is fairly consistent at around 3% Corporate earnings as a [...]

US retail investors look overseas

Performance chasing is alive and well.  I suspect if international and especially emerging market stocks had not done so well for the last few years we would not be seeing this trend. The Financial Times reports that last year, a remarkable 92.5 percent of all US equity fund inflows went into [...]

Jonathan Clements on Happiness Research

This is from December. The Wall Street Journal’s Jonathan Clements wrote about six academics in the field of “happiness research” who took some of their own advice and made changes for the better: Here are the highlights for those without a subscription. Relish the day — When we get a raise or [...]

Taxpayers Have Until April 17 to File and Pay in 2007


CFP Ethics CE Credit

For CFP holders, if you find yourself short and the deadline for CE credits approaching rapidly, all the industry publications offer easy CE credits. Most of them will let you take tests for each of the previous 12 months, allowing you to get as much as 12 credits for each publication. However, [...]

Fama Factors Out French: “I Did All The Work”

If you are familiar with the Fama French three factor model (i.e., value and small premiums), you should enjoy this bit of industry humor.
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