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Posts by David
Accredited Investor Clarification
14 years ago
in Investing
Accredited investors are those who because of net worth and income levels are deemed by the SEC to be sophisticated investors and can therefore invest in opportunities that have not gone through as thorough a registration process.
These typically includes real estate and oil partnerships, hedge [...]
Fraudclosure Update
14 years ago
in Commentary
So far the banks are mostly getting a pass. But there is enough bad faith stuff going on that the right snowball could really shake things up.
The Florida Attorney General produced a presentation documenting a number of the frauds that servicers and lawyers are perpetrating on the court. The [...]
First Reasonable Prepaid MasterCard
14 years ago
in Investing
Prepaid debit cards tend to be fee heavy and are generally best avoided. So I was surprised when I came across Mango’s offering.
First, the $5 monthly fee gets waived if you add at least $500 each month onto the card. Most actions with the card are free, but using an ATM does cost $2 + the local [...]
Modifying Your Behavior
14 years ago
in Psychology
Everyone has a list of habits they would like to create or destroy in themselves. Whether it is exercising more, eating healthier, stopping smoking or treating your spouse better, change is HARD.
B.J. Fogg at Stanford’s Persuasive Tech Lab has been tackling this very problem and has released a [...]

Equity Expected Returns
14 years ago
in Investing
A central part of my practice is calculating the expected return for stocks. There are a number of great techniques for doing this. The following is from John Hussman’s weekly newsletter where he compares two different expected return techniques against actual 10yr returns over the last 70 [...]

US Healthcare Cost Growth Abnormal
14 years ago
in Health
We spend 50% to 100% more than most other developed nations to achieve similar health outcomes. If growth were to continue at its current pace, the whole economy would be dedicated to healthcare before the century was over. Clearly, this falls into the category of “what can’t go on forever, [...]
No Restarting Social Security After 12 Months
14 years ago
Over the last few years, journalists started to publicize a little known strategy of starting Social Security at age 62 and then paying the money back at age 70 and restarting your Social Security benefits. In effect, it was an interest free loan.
Less than a 1000 people a year took advantage of [...]
Tax Deal
14 years ago
in Tax
A deal has been made (the House hasn’t signed on yet, so it is not quite a done deal). Since the tax credits were extended for two years and the unemployment and Social Security tax break only for one, they almost certainly wont be extended a second year (no bargaining chip left), which will [...]
47 Psychological Facts About Yourself
14 years ago
in Psychology
I’m always a sucker for articles on the brain and the various ways our hardwiring affects us. And this article gives us 47 to think about. Since a lot of financial planning is helping people do the right thing, understanding the brains landscape and how to work with its biases rather than against [...]
Market Valuation Update