Safe Deposit Box No-Nos
It goes without saying that a safe deposit box should be used to store things of importance.
For example
- Copy of your will
- Copy of insurance policies
- Titles to your house and cars
- Detailed list of bank and brokerage accounts, CDs and credit cards
- Marriage license / Divorce decree
- Expensive, rarely-worn jewelry
- Birth certificates
- Family heirlooms
- Stock and bond certificates
But some items should not be kept in a safe deposit box because they may be sealed away shortly after death causing delays and administrative problems for the executor and heirs.
- Original Will
- Original Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
These items should be kept in a fire proof safe. Don’t have a fireproof safe? Consider using your freezer. By putting the document in a ziplock bag and placing it in your freezer you have an instant poor man’s safe.