Social Security
No Restarting Social Security After 12 Months
14 years ago
Over the last few years, journalists started to publicize a little known strategy of starting Social Security at age 62 and then paying the money back at age 70 and restarting your Social Security benefits. In effect, it was an interest free loan.
Less than a 1000 people a year took advantage of [...]
No increase to Social Security Benefits for 2011
14 years ago
CPI-W for Q3 is extremely unlikely to breach the 215.596 high of 2008 so there won’t be a CPI based raise in Social Security payments beginning in 2011.
5.8% SS Cola Increase in 2009
16 years ago
The Social Security Administration announced today that Social Security payments will increase by 5.8% in 2009. In addition, the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax will increase to $106,800 in 2009 from $102,000 this year.
Ensure Full Social Security Credit for Military Service
16 years ago
For active duty military service between 1957 to 2001, service members are entitled to special military credits that boost their earnings which may increase their primary insurance amount (PIA) and social security payments. For service after 1967 the social security administration (SSA) will [...]
Taxation of Lump Sum Social Security Disability Payments
18 years ago
in Social Security, Tax
Eva Rosenberg of MarketWatch looks at how lump sum payments for Social Security Disability are taxed.
Is Social Security Disability Income subject to taxation? – Yes, in the same way that retirement Social Security payments are taxed.
Does a lump sum that includes payment for previous years need [...]
Best Longevity Insurance You Can Buy
18 years ago
While there have been many articles writtin about when to take Social Security, they all seem to focus on which choice will get you the most money. I believe people should be more focused on the longevity insurance benefit of Social Security. Below is a quick overview of how I try to [...]
3.3 Percent Social Security Benefit Increase for 2007
18 years ago
Social security payments will go up 3.3% next year and the new taxable wage base is $97,500 (up from $94,200).