What to be afraid of (or not)
Human beings are absolutely horrible at estimating the risks they are exposed to. Here is a graphic and some numbers to help put different risks in perspective.
If you are in the US, here are your one-year chances of dying from …
- any cause: 1 in 117
- heart disease: 1 in 384
- cancer: 1 in 514
- stroke: 1 in 1,750
- emphysema/chronic lung disease: 1 in 2,470
- any accident: 1 in 2,800
- flu/pneumonia: 1 in 3,025
- diabetes: 1 in 4,300
- a motor vehicle accident: 1 in 6,200
- suicide: 1 in 8,800
- kidney disease: 1 in 10,625
- liver disease: 1 in 11,040
- homicide: 1 in 15,000
- drowning: 1 in 68,000
- medical or surgical complications: 1 in 84,000
- air and space transport: 1 in 390,000
- excessive cold: 1 in 643,000
- excessive heat: 1 in 721,000
- drowning in bathtub: 1 in 800,000
- alcohol: 1 in 900,000
- hunger, thirst, exposure, or neglect: 1 in 1 million
- in bed or cradle: 1 in 1 million
- a flood caused by a storm: 1 in 1.3 million
- ignition of clothing: 1 in 1.6 million
- a handgun: 1 in 1.9 million
- a fall into a hole: 1 in 2.8 million
- lightning: 1 in 4.2 million
- a bee sting: 1 in 6 million
- antibiotics: 1 in 7 million
- an earthquake: 1 in 11 million
- operations of war: 1 in 16 million
- a dog bite: 1 in 18 million
- fireworks: 1 in 21 million
- a spider, lizard, or snakebite: 1 in 54 million
- foodstuffs and poisonous plants: 1 in 90 million
- a shark attack: 1 in 350 million
One-year chances of being a victim of …
- a crime: 1 in 24
- property crime: 1 in 28
- larceny: 1 in 40
- burglary: 1 in 137
- violent crime: 1 in 200
- auto theft: 1 in 242
- aggravated assault: 1 in 310
- robbery: 1 in 690
- arson: 1 in 2,700
- rape: 1 in 3,125
- murder: 1 in 18,000
Probability of dying at work in one year:
- Fishermen: 1 in 925
- Pilots and navigators: 1 in 1,000
- Garbage collectors: 1 in 2,350
- Farmers: 1 in 3,800
- Taxi drivers: 1 in 4,000
- Fire fighters: 1 in 6,500
- Police: 1 in 8,200
- Electricians: 1 in 9,700
- Construction workers: 1 in 10,000
- Postal workers: 1 in 34,000
- Retail cashiers: 1 in 43,000
- Social workers: 1 in 52,000
- Bartenders: 1 in 91,000
- Lawyers: 1 in 96,100
- Registered nurses: 1 in 125,000
- Accountants and auditors: 1 in 145,000
- School teachers: 1 in 200,000